Wednesday 11 April 2012

Hello there!

One has been asked many times if I would ever blog my antics and the things I get up to whilst running the country (and most of the world) so I finally decided to bite the proverbial bullet and give it a go.

One isn't entirely sure what to put in here or even if 'Blogger' is the right place for me to be.  Of course, trying to get all this past Jezza Heywood might prove difficult but I'm going to keep it going until he catches me.  Hague told me this might not be the best idea I've had but he soon shut up when I pointed out that I've never had a bad idea.  Well, if you don't include agreeing to have Cleggy, the Gimp, as my deputy that is!

The Gimp thinks he'll be writing here when I'm busy but he forgets I have my jolly marvellous laptop with me at all times, which I can plug in while I'm away and as long as the hotel or embassy has wifi I can boot up, log in and write some posts to keep you all informed of the goings on of your favouritest government.  Gimp thinks he runs the UK while I'm out as well but I leave that in the capable hands of Nanny Likesitstiff, my nanny from home and Eton.

Osborne has it in his mind that we can't afford to do this but that's because the idiot thinks a free service means it needs paying for.  He's hardly the best accountant we've got but he's bribing me with pictures he took of me and Sam at a fancy dress party where I went as Daley Thompson and she went as Samantha Cameron.  She was very convincing.  Heaven help us if those get in The Sun!

Do you know I think this will do for a first entry as I'm due my dinner soon and it's fish cakes tonight!  Yay, fish cake! Not sure I'll eat much of it though as my backside is a bit iffy after all the sushi and saki in Japan.  I'm sure I just shat out a watermelon!



1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff Sir. Nanny Likesitsitiff....good the country can all rest easy.
